Club Tournament 2007The club tournaments had a good momentum about them again this year. We had kind weather and a good turn out to Final's Day with all events except the mixed doubles handicap being ready to play. The club's new junior tennis kit and nets were enjoyed by the youngsters and Craig again manned the barbeque. David Soanes and Kathryn Schutterlin continued their dominance of previous years winning the singles and doubles. Jason Oliver and Dawn Torgesen won the mixed doubles final after losing the last five finals in a row. The mixed doubles handicap final was won by Roger Bones and Kate Plumtree in their third three-setter of the tournament! Full results are listed below. We'll be starting next year's tournaments a little earlier in 2008 -- look out for information nearer the time. The results of the final are given in the table below, and snapshots of the finalists are at the bottom of this page.
Last modified: Tue Feb 26 20:28:55 GMT 2008